Sunday, May 07, 2017

Working Horse Trailers

*Direct Downloads


Click on TRUCK with active sim to go to lot, not the trailer.
Also, if you click to view the horse it will take you back to original area. Only click on trailer at destination to unload.
Although the trailer usually will park in an empty lot, there are times when it remains in the sims inventory (with the horse inside). You must place the truck and trailer in a parking space and unload the horse before saving.
As with any mod, you must make sure the horse is OUT of the trailer before removing it, or you might lose your horse.
When loading TWO horses (yes, you can load TWO), make sure the one is on the trailer first before clicking to load the second. And the same goes for unloading.
In the event a horse is invisible (we all have had that happen), we have the EHRS Emergency Horse Rescue Service click the trailer, choose EHRS and your horse will appear

Created by Cloudwalker Sims


  1. i can't download it, anyone have link/can import this file to me? (stock trailer)

  2. Can't download it cause it wants someone to sign into the online storage (
